FAQsQuestions & Answers on Banners, Signs, Decals and more.

Can I cancel or change an order?

Call immediately for any order changes or cancellations.

If you have approved your order and need to make any changes to the order, or for some reason, need to cancel your order it needs to be handled urgently. Since we are a custom sign shop any order that is approved goes straight into production. This leaves very little time for any additional changes or cancellations on any orders that are approved. But in the case that you have approved your order and need assistance cancelling the order or making additional changes please be advised...


During the course of ordering a sign with OCSigns.com (Quick Signs) you are provided ample opportunity to alter or make changes to your order. All orders will automatically equipped with a visual proof to confirm artwork and product specifications. Please read your visual proof email carefully to avoid any costly mistakes. The customer assumes full responsibility for checking their artwork and order specifications before approval. If there is a discrepancy with your order this is the best time to make any art changes or add/subtract products. Once an approval is given your order goes straight into production. If you have changes after your order is in production you could incur additional costs, especially if the order has been printed, partially completed or fully completed.


Please keep in mind that from the moment you place an order our sales team goes to work for you, so if you really must cancel an order, it's best to do it as quickly as possible. We value our time and our customers and strive to provide quick and affordable sign services locally and abroad. If you have placed an online order and immediately need to cancel it, please give us a quick call and alert us of the cancellation right away. If you have an order that is currently in progress and ultimately need to canel the order, please contact your sales representative promptly to halt production. And please be advised that although you may cancel your order, in the event that work has already ensued on your particular order, fees may be assessed to compensate for the services we provided up until the point of cancellation.

In the case that a customer needs to cancel, alter or adjust an order, after order completion, payment in full is expected for services rendered.

Need Help with Order Changes or Cancellations?
Call our sign specialists:
Local : 714-573-9313 or Toll Free: 866-267-4467